Američka filmska akademija objavila je nominacije za Oskara.

Pogledajte listu svih nominacija za ovogodišnju Dodjelu Oskara, koju svi željno očekujemo 22. februara!
Najbolji film
- American Sniper
- Birdman
- Boyhood
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- The Imitation Game
- Selma
- The Theory of Everything
- Whiplash
Najbolja režija
- Alejandro González Iñárritu – Birdman
- Richard Linklater – Boyhood
- Bennett Miller – Foxcatcher
- Wes Anderson – The Grand Budapest Hotel
- Morten Tyldum – The Imitation Game
Najbolji glumac
- Steve Carell – Foxcatcher
- Bradley Cooper – American Sniper
- Benedict Cumberbatch – The Imitation Game
- Michael Keaton – Birdman
- Eddie Redmayne – The Theory of Everything
Najbolja glumica
- Marion Kotijar – Dva dana, jedna noć
- Felicity Jones – The Theory of Everything
- Julianne Moore – Still Allice
- Rosamund Pike – Gone Girl
- Reese Witherspoon – Wild
Najbolji sporedni glumac
- Robert Duvall – The Judge
- Ethan Hawke – Boyhood
- Edward Norton – Birdman
- Mark Ruffalo – Foxcatcher
- J.K. Simmons – Whiplash
Najbolja sporedna glumica
- Patricia Arquette – Boyhood
- Laura Dern – Wild
- Keira Knightley – The Imitation Game
- Emma Stone – Birdman
- Meryl Streep – Into the Woods
Najbolji originalni scenario
- Birdman
- Boyhood
- Foxcatcher
- Grand Budapest hotel
- Nightcrawler
Najbolji adaptirani scenario
- American Sniper
- The Imitation Game
- Inherent Vice
- The Theory of Everything
- Whiplash
Najbolji film van engleskog govornog područja
- Ida, Poljska
- Leviathan, Rusija,
- Tangerines, Estonija,
- Timbuktu, Mauritanija
- Wild Tales, Argentina
Najbolji dugometražni dokumentarac
- Citizen Four
- Finding Vivian Maier
- Last Days in Vietnam
- The Salt of the Earth
- Virunga
Najbolji animirani film
- Big Hero 6
- The Boxtrolls
- How to Train Your Dragon 2
- Song of the sea
- The Tale of The Princess Kaguya
Najbolja pjesma
- Everything is awesome (Lego)
- Glory (Selma)
- Grateful (Beyond the Lights)
- I'm not gonna miss you (Glen Campbell… I'll be me)
- Lost stars (Begin Again)
Najbolja originalna muzika
- Grand Budapest hotel
- The Imitation Game
- Interstellar
- Mr Turner
- The Theory of Everything
Najbolji kratkometražni dokumentarac
- Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1
- Joanna
- Our Curse
- The Reaper (La Parka)
- White Earth
Najbolja kamera
- Birdman
- Grand Budapest hotel
- Ida
- Mr. Turner
- Unbroken
Najbolja montaža
- American Sniper
- Boyhood
- Grand Budapest Hotel
- The Imitation Game
- Whiplash
Najbolja montaža zvuka
- American Sniper
- Birdman
- Hobit – bitka pet armija
- Interstellar
- Unbroken
Najbolji miks zvuka
- American Snipe
- Birdman
- Interstellar
- Unbroken
- Whiplash
Najbolja šminka i frizura
- Foxcatcher
- Grand Budapest Hotel
- Guardians of the Galaxy
Najbolja scenografija
- Grand Budapest Hotel
- The Imitation Game
- Interstellar
- Into the Woods
- Mr. Turner
Izvor: Life Content
Foto: Sipa